What Breed is Right for Me?


Choosing the right breed of dog that suits you and your family should be a well thought out decision because finding a right-fit dog to give a forever-home to is a big commitment.  One must take into consideration several factors before the (hopefully) adoption process begins.  Consider all aspect of the home like the size of your yard and what type, living space, the presence of stairs, and also the type of flooring.  Also, consider the type of lifestyle you currently live and plan in live in the next 5-10 years?  Each breed has specific strong characteristics aka temperament and maintenance needs. Some breeds that are high energy, requiring a lot of physical activity while others are perfectly content curling up on the couch with you. Finances are also a huge consideration; how much do you want to spend on food a month? Will your new dog need to be groomed?  How much time are you willing to set aside everyday for your dog's exercise?  Lastly, determining the how your new dog will integrate into your lives on a practical level.  With an already busy life that includes work, family and friends, kids and their school, providing a well-balanced life for your new addition also needs to be a top priority. 

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